Our directors helped many business owners successfully sell their businesses
Sellsıde M&A advısory Services
If you want to sell all or part of your business, we are ready to manage the process from the beginning to the end. We provide a full scope service offering including:
developing a strategic roadmap to achieve your goal; identifying in advance any potential issues that might be a deal-killer and develop a game plan to proactively manage them,
preparation of information documents highlighting the opportunity and the business,
providing an independent opinion on the valuation of the business,
identifying and contacting potential investors,
negotiating price and deal structure throughout the process with the owners’ guidance,
coordinating the appointment of other sell-side advisors such as legal advisors and tax advisors, if necessary,
coordinating the due diligence process with related parties and leading the preparation of dataroom,
advising on commercial matters during binding contract negotiations,
supporting the sellers with key analysis and feedback from the beginning of a project till the closing of a transaction.
Your chances of getting the best offer depends on finding the right buyer and running a competitive sale process. Get help from an expert advisor to maximize your probability of executing the best possible deal.
We do not provide legal and tax related advice.
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